I'm on holiday for the next couple of weeks so I'm going to be taking some time off from the blog.
In the meantime, you can re read some of my favourite posts from 2023 so far.
Deadlifts and Distance Running — Being Humbled By The Hills
This was definitely the most challenging race I’ve run so far. The conditions weren’t great, it was cloudy and much time was spent going up hills. It was also the best run I’ve had on the trails. There was a section where I felt totally immersed in traversing the terrain.
How I’ve Improved My Running Over The Winter
I’ve set myself the goal of using the winter to improve my resilience so that when the warmer weather comes, I’m in a great place to work towards events. If you’re new to running then the following tips may be useful to you. Don’t Expect To

1-2-3 Sundays: Munro Bagging, Grit & Kindle
1 Theme Living Space One aspect both Aimee and I have been trying to keep on top of more than usual is having a tidy living space. Rather than dumping stuff in the spare room or letting the dinner table become a placeholder, we’ve both made a conscious effort to

Also, here's my 26 Lessons I've From 26 Years.